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Discover & Reach Your Destiny
God has a Plan and Includes You in it
Destiny Comes Knocking When You're Growing
When you commit to follow Jesus and repent, He changes your life from the inside out. Your relationship with Him will get stronger and stronger when you feed it through daily prayer, worship, Bible reading, and attending your local church and connecting with people there. It's powerful what God does in us!
You are alive to know Him personally.
You are alive to touch other lives the way He has touched yours.
You are alive to do His work.
Unlocking Destiny
Here are a few ways you can begin to unlock the destiny of God for your life:
1. Invest in Bible messages, studies, or materials on purpose or destiny.
2. Participate in classes or studies on gifts, serving, and personality offered in your local church.
3. Learn about God's plan, how He gifts us, and how He wires us to use our unique personality, talents, and abilities for His purposes.
4. Invest in a deeper Bible or ministry education offered here in Jesus' Church or through your local church or a Bible school where you live.